Netflix is all set to release an upcoming Bollywood comedy drama movie named, Kho Gaye Hum Kaha. The movie is scheduled to release at the end of the year 2023. The movie is a coming of age drama which will officially be released in Hindi language. Arjun Varain Singh has directed the movie and this will be his debut film as a director. Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Yash Sahai and Arjun Varain Singh together have written the movie. The production companies involved in the movies are Excel Entertainment and Tiger Baby Films. Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti and Ritesh Sidhwani have produced the movie. Now, let’s know more about Kho Gaye Hum Kaha, a Netflix comedy drama.
‘Kho Gaye Hum Kaha’ Release Date
The makers of the movie released a song named ‘Hone do jo hota hai’ on Youtube on 30 November 2023. The song released on Zee Music’s channel got more than 8 million views within the time span of 5 days. The expectations of it to reach a larger audience is high, because of its recent popularity.
The makers of the movie will release ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kaha’ on 26 December 2023 on Netflix official site.
As Netflix is the official distribution partner, the movie will be released on their official platform around the world.
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Plot of the Movie
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the movie: ‘Three best friends juggle life as 20-somethings in Mumbai, where romance, ambition and heartbreak collide with the addictive draw of social media’.
Cast of the Movie
Characters | Actors |
Imaad | Siddhant Chaturvedi |
Neil | Adarsh Gourav |
Ahana | Ananya Panday |
Rohan Bhatia | Rohan Gurbaxani |
Paresh Phadnis | Narendra Jetley |
The first song of the movie named, ‘Hone do jo hota hai’ is written by well known and experienced writer Javed Akhtar. Music is given by OAFF and Savera. Also Savera along with Lothika Jha have sung the song.
Director: Arjun Varain Singh
Writers: Zoya Akhtar, Arjun Varain Singh, Reema Kagti
Genres: Hindi-Language Movies, Bollywood Movies, Dramas, Comedy Movies
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