Netflix is all set to release an upcoming Japanese stop motion animated Television series named, ‘Pokemon Concierge’. The series is part of the Pokemon company, developed under the Pokemon Media Franchise. The series is set to be showcased on Netflix, as it is the official distribution partner. The series is based on Pokemon by the Pokemon Company. Doki Harumi has written the series, while Ogawa Iku has directed the series. Stars like Rena Nonen and Karen Fukuhara are part of the series. Mariya Takeuchi has given the theme music for the series. The original language in which the series will be released is Japanese. Now, let’s know more about ‘Pokemon Concierge’, an animated series.
Pokemon Concierge Release Date
The makers of the series released the official trailer on netflix official platform and Youtube. On 15th of November 2023, the first trailer was released and within the time span of 3 weeks, more than 1.4 million people have watched it on Youtube alone. The expectations of it to reach an even larger audience is high, because of the popularity of Pokemon amongst all age groups.
The makers of Pokemon Concierge will release the series on Netflix official site on 28th of December 2023.
The series will only be available on Netflix, as it is the official distribution partner in association with Pokemon Company.
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Plot of the Series
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the series: Welcome to Pokemon resort, a peaceful getaway for Pokemon to relax and have fun. Which adorable guest will the new concierge Haru befriend and help first?
Cast of the Series
Characters | Japanese | English |
Haru | Rena Nonen | Karen Fukuhara |
Alisa | Fairouz Ai | Imani Hakim |
Tyler | Okuno Eita | Josh Keaton |
Watanabe | Takemura Yoshiko | Lori Alan |
Development of the Series
It was announced on the day of Pokemon presentation by Pokemon Company, that a series named Pokemon Concierge is under development in association with netflix. Dwarf Animation Studio was collaborated by Pokemon Company for this series.
In July 2023, Rena Nonen was selected by the makers as the voice for the protagonist of the series. The series will consist of 4 episodes and will release on Netflix on 28 December 2023.
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