Poonam Pandey is again in the news after facing backlashes from the fake death stunt. Recently Poonam did a publicity stunt in which she faked her own death. An image stating about the demise of Poonam due to cervical cancer was posted on her instagram account. The image was shared on 2nd of February on her account, which spread the news around the world that she is no more. But then on 3rd of February, Poonam shared her video saying that she is alive and it was a stunt to spread awareness about cervical cancer.
100 Crore Defamation case Against Poonam Pandey
Poonam Pandey is in a legal trouble, as an FIR has been lodged against her and her husband Sam Bombay in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A person named Faizan Ansari has filed a defamation case of rupees 100 crore with Kanpur police commissioner. Although the exact reason behind the FIR is not clear but as per the sources it is due to the publicity stunt which Poonam did, in which she faked her own death.
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A Complete Story of Fake Death
After an image stating about Poonam’s death was posted on her instagram page on 2nd of February 2024, a word was spread everywhere and many news channel covered it. Many celebrities like Munawar Faruqui and others tweeted about the demise of actress. Unexpectedly on 3rd of February, Poonam posted a video of herself saying that she is alive and it was all a stunt to spread awareness about cervical cancer.
Shocking! can’t process the news 💔
— munawar faruqui (@munawar0018) February 2, 2024
Poonam was great human being. Sad.
After all this, Poonam faced many backlashes from the public. People were found saying that whatever she did was completely wrong. This was the wrong way of spreading awareness.
The whole was backed and planned by Schbang, which is a transformation company headquartered in Mumbai. Celebrities like “Orry” has also collaborated with them.
Schbang shared a post on their instagram handle, stating that they were involved in the initiative for Poonam Pandey to spread awareness about cervical cancer in collaboration with Hauterfly.
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