Netflix is all set to release an upcoming American limited thriller television series named, Ripley. This limited series is based on a crime novel named, ‘The Talented Mr.Ripley’, and it was written by Patricia Highsmith in 1955. The series will be a total of 8 episodes and Steven Zaillian has created, written and directed it. Other than Steven Zaillian, Garrett Basch, Clayton Townsend, Guymon Casady, Ben Forkner, Sheron Levy and Philipp Keel are the executive producers of the series. The two major production companies involved are Showtime Studios, Endemol Shine North America. Now, let’s discuss more about the Ripley Netflix release date, cast, plot and filming.
Ripley Netflix Release Date
The makers of the series released the official trailer on Netflix and Netflix’s Youtube channel. On 4th of March 2024, the trailer was released and within a week more than 1.1 million people have watched it. This limited television series is a much anticipated one, since it is based on a very popular novel and also it has an amazing cast.
Ripley Netflix release date is 4th of April 2024. Series will be released in English and Hindi on Netflix and also it will be available on Netflix, as it is the official distribution partner.
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Plot of the Series
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the series: ‘A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man’s son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder’.
Development & Filming
Andrew Scott to be casted as Tom Ripley was announced back in 2019, on 25th of September. The creator Steven Zaillian put forward the idea of creating this series to the network and also it was his idea of creating it in the form of a series instead of a feature film.
The shooting began in 2021 and the cinematographer of all the 8 episodes are Robert Elswit. Series will be in black & white, as Steven had to say “The edition of the Ripley book I had on my desk had an evocative black-and-white photograph on the cover. As I was writing, I held that image in my mind. Black and white fits this story—and it’s gorgeous”.
Cast of the Series
Andrew Scott, Johnny Flynn, Dakota Fanning, Eliot Sumner, Maurizio Lombardi, Margherita Buy, John Malkovich
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