Netflix is all set to release an upcoming dark and suspenseful Korean drama series, named ‘The Bequeathed’. Yeon Sang-ho has created the show and also he has written it. Yeon Sang-ho is the same person who created famous shows like ‘Hellbound’ and movies like ‘Train To Busan’. As the creator is such an experienced one, the series ‘The Bequeathed’ is a much anticipated one. The makers of the series have decided to release the show in the first month of the coming year 2024. The story is based on the ominous events which start to unfold after the bequeathing of the family burial ground. Now let’s know more about The Bequeathed cast, trailer, teaser, plot and production.
The Bequeathed Release Date
The makers of the series released the official teaser on Netflix official site and Netflix’s Youtube channel named ‘Netflix K-content’. The teaser was released on Youtube on 20th of december 2023 and within the time span of a week the teaser reached 37 thousand in views. As it is a much anticipated series, because Yeon Sang-ho has created it, the expectations amongst the audience is high. Most probably within a few days, the trailer of the series will be out and the expectations of it to reach an even larger audience is high.
The makers in association with Netflix will release ‘The Bequeathed’ on 19th of January 2024.
The series will only be available on Netflix, since it is the official distribution partner.
Also Read: The Kitchen, Netflix set to Release a Sci-fi Drama
Plot of the Series
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the series: ‘After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the centre of a string of murders and dark secrets’.
Cast of the Series
Kim Hyun-joo, Park Hee-soon, Park Byung-eun, Ryu Kyung-soo
Creators: Yeon Sang-ho, Min Hong-nam, Hwang Eun-young
Genres: Korean, TV Mysterious, Crime TV Shows, K-dramas, TV Thrillers
Also Watch: Yeon Sang-ho’s Hellbound on Netflix official site
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