Netflix is all set to release an upcoming bollywood comedy thriller drama series in the coming year 2024 named, ‘Killer Soup’. The main highlight of the series is Manoj Bajpayee, since he is one of the most versatile actors in the industry. Unaiza Merchant, Anant Tripathi, Harshad Nalawade and Abhishek Chaubey have together created the series, whereas Abhishek Chaubey has directed it. Since the series has Manoj Bajpayee in it and also other actors with immense talent and experience, this series is a much anticipated one. Now, let’s know more about Killer Soup Netflix release date, cast, plot and teaser.
Killer Soup Netflix Release Date
The makers of the series released the announcement video regarding the series around 1 year ago in March 2022 on Netflix India official Youtube channel. The first official teaser of the series was released on Netflix site and Youtube on 22nd of September 2022 and it got around 3.3 million views. Since the series is a much anticipated one and it has got such an experienced cast, the expectations are high that the series will reach an even larger audience.
The makers will release the series ‘Killer Soup’ on 11th of January 2024 on Netflix.
Since Netflix is the official distribution partner, the series will only be available on it.
The official language in which the series will be released is in English and other than that it will also be released in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.
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Plot of the Series
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the series: ‘Swathi dreams of owning a restaurant. But when murder derails her plan, she and her lover take an outrageous step to replace him with her husband’.
In the series ‘Killer Soup’, Konkana Sen Sharma, who has played the role of a house chef, wants to open a restaurant. Her lover is Manoj Bajpayee and she herself takes an outrageous step when a murder disturbs all her planning. Now, she plots to replace her husband ‘Prabhakar’ with her lover ‘Umesh’. The twist in the plot is that both are the same in the form of Manoj Bajpayee.
Cast of the Series
Manoj Bajpayee, Konkona Sen Sharma, Nassar, Sayaji Shinde, Anula Navelkar, Lal, Kani Kusruti, Anbu Thasan, Vaishali Bisht
Creators: Unaiza Merchant, Anant Tripathi, Harshad Nalawade, Abhishek Chaubey
Director: Abhishek Chaubey
Genres: TV Dramas, TV Comedies, Crime TV Shows, TV Thrillers, Hindi Language TV Shows
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