Netflix is all set to release an upcoming American crime drama limited miniseries named, ‘Griselda’. The plot of the series is based on the story of Griselda Blanco, who was an infamous and notorious drug trafficker. Doug Miro, Eric Newman, Carlo Bernard and Ingrid Escajeda have created the series, whereas Andrez Baiz has directed it. All the creators along with Luis Balaguer and Sofia Vergara have produced this miniseries. All the production companies which are involved in the production of the series are Latin World Entertainment, Screen Arcade and Happy Accidents. Now, let’s know more about the Griselda series Netflix release date, plot, cast, trailer and production.
Griselda Netflix Release Date
The makers of the series released the official trailer on Netflix site and Netflix’s official Youtube account. The first official trailer of the series was released on 30th of November 2023 and within the time span of 3 weeks, the trailer has reached more than 1 million in views. Since the series is based on an infamous cocaine trafficker, the expectations of it to reach an even larger audience is high.
The makers of the series Griselda will release it on 25th of January 2024 on Netflix official site.
The series will only be available on Netflix, since it is the official distribution partner. English will be the main language in which the series will be released along with other languages like Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and more.
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Plot of the Series
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the series: ‘Fleeing from medellin to Miami with her three young sons and a kilo of cocaine, Griselda Blanco becomes the ruthless boss of a booming drug empire’.
The story of Griselda is from the 1970s, the time when she became a notorious and infamous drug queen. The scenes in the series are inspired by real events.
Production of the Series
The makers in association with Netflix announced on 21st of November 2021, that they are creating a miniseries, which is based on the infamous life of Griselda Blanco, a cocaine trafficker. Sofia Vergara was given the role of protagonist and Netflix shared the first look of her on 19th of January 2022. The primary and official filming of the series began on 17th of January 2022 in Los Angeles.
Cast of the Series
Sofia Vergara, Alberto Guerra, Christian Tappan, Martin Rodriguez, Juliana Aiden Martinez, Venessa Ferlito
Director: Andres Baiz
Genres: TV Dramas, Crime TV Shows, US Tv Shows, TV Shows based on Real Life
Also Visit: Sofia Vergara’s official Instagram profile