Netflix is all set to release an upcoming Hindi language Bollywood intimidating film named, ‘Shastry Virudh Shastry’. Some of the top notch actors like Paresh Rawal, Nina Kulkarni are part of the cast. Nandita Roy along with Shiboprosad Mukherjee have directed the movie. Anu Singh Chaudhary along with these two directors have written the movie. Nandita Roy has directed movies like Muktodhara, Gotro, Alik Sukh and many others. The movie Shastry Virudh Shastry is a much anticipated one, as it has got a very talented and experienced cast. Now let’s know more about the movie’s cast, trailer, production and plot.
Shastry Virudh Shastry Release Date
The makers of the movie released the official trailer first on Viacom18 Studios official Youtube channel. The trailer was released on 24th of October 2023 and within the time span of 2 months the trailer has got more than 4 million views. Since the movie is a much anticipated one, the expectations of it to reach an even larger audience is high.
The makers will release Shastry Virudh Shastry on 29th of December 2023 on Netflix official site.
The movie will only be available on Netflix, since it is the official distribution partner.
Viacom18 Studios, Kevin Vaz, Ajit Andhare, Windows have produced the movie, whereas Raghuvendra Singh is the associate producer.
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Plot of the Movie
This is Netflix’s brief introduction about the movie: ‘A music teacher fights an emotional legal battle to retain guardianship of his young grandson when the boy’s father insists on moving overseas with him’.
This movie (Shastry Virudh Shastry) is going to be one of the best works on Nandita Roy. Paresh Rawal in the movie is playing the role of grandfather of a child whose parents have left him with his grandparents. Child’s grandparents take complete care of him, but after a certain age, the biological father insists on taking his son back and moving overseas. This creates a clash between parents and grandparents, as grandparents think the parents aren’t capable enough to take care of the child. Both reach out to the court to prove the legal guardianship of the child.
Cast of the Movie
Paresh Rawal, Nina Kulkarni, Shiv Pandit, Mimi Chakraborty, Manoj Joshi, K.K Raina, Tiku Talsania, Adinath Kothare, Amruta Subhash, Kabir Pahwa
Directors: Nandita Roy, Shiboprosad Mukherjee
Genres: Hindi-Language Movies, Bollywood Movies, Dramas, Independent Movies, Courtroom Movies
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